Producer/showrunner developing a limited series

Limited series challenge traditional production principles: projects are greenlit before all the scripts are written, talents are hired before all the storylines are written, budgets are locked before all parameters are known, the directors’ and writers’ traditional positions are challenged and changed by the showrunners’ position, delivery deadline and postproduction workflow of the project overlap to a high degree…

These challenges also have an impact on the chain of command since assistant directors and line producers suddenly play a more important part in designing the “masterplan” of the entire limited series workflow. Their expertise and decisions become so important that they are often upgraded to the role of executive producer, co-producer or associate producer.

Production Value has opened its process to limited series projects in development. We are happy to select limited series projects of a certain complexity and to design a “Masterplan” for them that includes a tentative schedule and a tentative budget based on material that is not necessarily complete. The precision of the results will depend on the material and information provided by the limited series’ creative team but getting a “Masterplan” involving timeline and costs can be an asset for the production companies at any stage of development of a limited series.

At the end of the workshop, schedules and budgets are delivered to the producers in MM Scheduling 6 and MM Budgeting 7 and 10 documents, as well as PDF files.

To apply with a limited series project, the series’ creative team is asked to provide:

Apply with all relevant material and questionnaire (see above) to the Head of Studies before 15 November 2024.