The challenges that the digital media, film and television pose for the authors and directors of creative documentary films

Documentary film professionals
Date and venue
Sunday 27th April 2014, 2pm to 5pm, followed by an ‹Apéro› (refreshments), Salle de la Colombière, Nyon
Apéro (17:00 - 18:00) hosted by ARF/FDS & dokSuisse
Registration/Application deadline
Participation is free of charge.
English, with simultaneous translation into French
Gudula Meinzolt, visions du réel
Edgar Hagen, FOCAL
Nowadays, film, television and the Internet offer an endless range of audiovisual products. New forms of communication are awakening new needs among consumers, with movie houses turning into high-end events, television reduced to a variety of formats and documentary formats themselves cropping up all over the place. And multimedia is gaining the upper hand over classic documentaries. What does all this imply for today's documentary film producers? How do they themselves feel about these developments and their work? With whom can they ally themselves? Must every film seek the big screen? Should documentaries be constructed - according to the Danish recipe for success - like fiction features? Should documentary film producers abandon the creative authors' film approach when adopting digital media, restricting themselves to delivering content? What is the outlook for today's documentary film authors and producers?

Mirjam von Arx
, CH, director, producer, virgin tales
Lise Birk Pedersen, DK, director, putin's kiss
Arman T. Riahi, AT, producer, director everyday rebellion
Marine Saada, F, commissioning editor, ARTE France
Carola Stern, CH, distributor, FilmCoopi
David Dufresene, CA, independent writer & filmmaker prison valley, fort mcmoney and others


Marcy Goldberg
, CH, Cinema historian and Media consultant
In cooperation with

visions du réel

with the support of

arf / fds


Focal is supported by