Essential Legal Framework 2009

Professionals from the film and television industry, such as producers, distributors, commissioning editors, bankers, directors, writers, TV broadcasters and lawyers
Full fee:
€ 1'250.-, incl. accommodation and full board
Erich Pommer Institut: Nadja Radojevic (Project Manager), Petra Böschen-Scott (Assistant)

"Professionalize the professionals" is the main goal of the Erich Pommer Institute's MEDIA 2009 supported programme ESSENTIAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK that features a series of workshops and the data base LEGAL BASICS. ESSENTIAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK covers important legal fields which are relevant to the development, financing, production as well as to the marketing of films in all forms of media. The workshops offer profound knowledge tailored to the specific needs of the film and television industry. Key professionals from across Europe and the US will share their knowledge and experience with workshop participants and will provide hands-on information.

Training events in 2009:

  • The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and Television: 29 April to 3 May 2009 on Mallorca/Spain (see below)
  • Digital Content Distribution: 13 to 17 September 2009 in San Sebastian/Spain
  • European Co-Production: 21 to 25 October 2009 in Baden (close to Vienna/Austria)

The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and Television - Legal, Economic and Psychological Aspects
Film and television producers have to negotiate almost every day, among others with script writers, actors, directors, co-producers, broadcasters, distributors, banks and world sales agents. In short: a producer who is very good in the art of negotiation can win a lot of small and big battles in his everyday life. The workshop will provide the knowledge of how and to which end to negotiate. Contracts and business relations will be analysed juridically and economically, the latter for example with regards to revenue potentials of both sides. The workshop contains not only a comprehensive theoretical part, but also practical exercises in which the participants can practice their newly acquired skills in training negotiations.


Part 1: Structure and Economics of Deals

  • Detailed analysis of contractual and economic relationships in the film business,
    e.g. the relation of producers and distributors

Part 2: Negotiation Techniques

  • The seven steps of a good negotiation
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), SWOT, Harvard-Method and other techniques for successful negotiations

Part 3: Negotiation Practice

  • Role plays and training negotiations

Detailed Programme

For detailed information and registration, kindly consult

or contact the Erich Pommer Institut in Potsdam/Germany
> +49 (0)331.721 2885 >

Speakers (among others)

Wolfgang Brehm
Brehm & v. Moers, Germany, Greece

Juan Gordon
Morena Films, Spain

Stefan Meister
intercultures, Germany

Dr. Ulrich Michel
Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz, German

Matthias Settele
SetTele Entertainment, Austria

Mark Resnick
Twentieth Century Fox, USA (tbc)

Marc Wehrlin
lawyer, Switzerland

Vibeke Windeløv
producer (DANCER IN THE DARK and DOGVILLE), Denmark
proposed by



with the support of


sponsored by

Brehm & v. Moers
Fernsehfonds Austria
Austrian Film Institute
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Unverzagt von Have

in cooperation with

Mallorca Fernsehen
Palma Pictures

Focal is supported by