Essential Legal Framework 2012

Professionals from the film and television industry, such as producers, distributors, commissioning editors, bankers, directors, writers, TV broadcasters and lawyers
Date and venue
Saturday 17 to Wednesday 21 March 2012, in Berlin
Registration/Application deadline
No application procedure, no registration deadline! Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. →
For detailed information and registration, kindly consult → or contact the Erich Pommer Institut in Potsdam/Germany → Maria Grau Stenzel:; Tel +49 331 7212886
Regular participation (incl. accommodation and meals): 1st person € 1.250 | 2nd person from same company € 900 For residents (excl. accommodation, incl. meals): 1st person € 770 | 2nd person from same company € 500
The first three Swiss participants receive a 20% discount
Erich Pommer Institut: Nadja Radojevic (Head of International Training); Maria Grau Stenzel (Assistant)

Scripts based on real stories, a Warhol poster in the background of a scene, and a protagonist humming a Robbie Williams song - not all rights contained in a script or a film are that obvious. Only a detailed analysis can avoid cost-intensive pitfalls. Rights Clearance is becoming increasingly important, both nationally and internationally. This seminar and workshop offers the practical knowledge to identify and clear rights fast and effectively. Teaching will combine theoretical and practical work on the case including best practices and strategies.


  • Clearing personality rights
  • Everybody's nightmare? Clearing music rights
  • Trademarks and artworks in film and TV
  • Who is paying? How E & O insurance work
  • Global perspective: Cases in different national jurisdictions
  • Learning from the US: Rights clearance management at a US Major

Other Training Events in 2012:
European Co-Production: 24. - 28.10.2012, in Berlin
The Art of Negotiating Agreements: November 2012, in Vienna


Antonella Barbieri
, Portolano Colella Cavallo Studio Legale, Italy
Adrian Barr-Smith, SNR Denton UK LLP, UK
Henning Brehm, Design Tourist, Germany
Dr. Martin Diesbach, Noerr LLP, Germany
Katja B. Kessler, LL.M., Constantin Film, Germany
Anders Kjærhauge, Zentropa, Denmark
Gillian M. Lusins, NBC Universal, USA
Kai May, Unverzagt von Have, Germany
proposed by



with the support of


Brehm & v. Moers
ILB InvestitionsBank des Landes Brandenburg
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
RöverBrönner Unverzagt von Have

Focal is supported by