11 independent European film producers who have commercialized at least two films at film theatres in two countries, and their authors. A maximum of 11 projects will be accepted (1 to 2 from Switzerland)
Date and venue
Workshop sessions:
19.04.- 23.04. 2006, in Berlin
14.09.- 17.09. 2006, in Vienna
07.12.- 10.12. 2006, in Zurich
Registration/Application deadline
28 February 2006: kindly include the documents requested for the experts' reports. Details and application forms are available at: www.prime-net.biz
2500 Euros for the experts' reports plus 7500 Euros for workshop participation. (These costs are taken into account by the cooperating supporters in the budget for funding project development)
German and English, without translation
Frank Stehling, transFOCAL
Project packaging, marketing and funding of script and project development.
The project-focused P.R.I.M.E Workshop ties in optimization of the film story and script with funding for the project's development. It consists of three encounters among all participants, together with individual counselling over a period of 10 months.

Participation requirements:
- film script
- outline for the film's realization and commercialisation
- cost estimate and financial plan for the film project's development.

The documents submitted will enable the P.R.I.M.E experts listed below to draw up their evaluations in the fields of film script, distribution/sales, film fund/bank, marketing and games. These reports will serve as the basis for operating a selection among the projects and assessing their merits in view of the unusually high level of project development support from the Workshop's financial sponsors. As such, they also serve to determine on which subjects the Workshop will place most emphasis.

The most promising projects will be developed to the point where they can hold their own on the international market.

transFOCAL GmbH, Berlin
For further details and documents: www.prime-net.biz
A subsidiary founded in Berlin by FOCAL for purposes of implementing P.R.I.M.E and other continuing education programs for professionals in the motion picture and audiovisual fields, transFOCAL targets primarily German and East European countries. More detailed information can be obtained at www.transfocal.de

Frank Stehling
Tel.: +49 331 74387-61 / Fax: +49 331 74398-99 / Cellular: +49 177 78787 99
E-mail: f.stehling@prime-net.biz
Invited experts

Jack Epps, Jr

Associate professor, University of Southern California, screenwriter (TOP GUN, LEGAL EAGLES)

David Howard
Associate Professor, University of Southern California, screenwriter (GALAXY QUEST, AFTER FIVE IN THE FOREST PRIMEVAL, MY FRIEND JOE), author of THE TOOLS OF SCREENWRITING

Michael Weber
ex-Managing Director, Bavaria Film International, world sales

Prof. Dr. Klaus Goldhammer
Managing Director, Goldmedia/ Screen Digest, market research

Andre Druskeit
Chief Finance Officer, Telepool, world sales

Uta Fick
Ass. Vice President Hypovereinsbank, Film funding in cooperation with JPMorgan, USA

David Groenewold
Managing Director, Promedium Gesellschaft für Medienfinanzierung mbH, GFP Medienfonds, German film fund

Ralph Wirsing
Head of Development Ubi Soft, video and computer game producers

Rolf Rohrer
Head of Development Electronic Art, video and computer game producers

Jan Fantl
Managing Director, Quality International, internationally active motion picture producer

an initiative of




with the support of

The MEDIA Programme

implemented by


Focal is supported by