Production Value 2008

6 first or second assistant directors and 6 line producers or production managers
Date and venue
12 January - 19 January 2008, in Potsdam (Germany)
Registration/Application deadline
1 November 2007, please submit a full CV and a motivation letter. All applications are handled by FOCAL and can be filled out on line, except if you are from Norway: in that case please send your documents to:
€ 1000 (CHF 1'500.- ) including food and lodging
Two participants from one of the ten new EU member states or from Bulgaria are eligible for a full scholarship.
English only. Fluent English is a prerequisite for all participants.
Denis Rabaglia (FOCAL) and Andrea Peters (EPI)
Line Producers, production managers and first assistant-directors

Improve your budgeting and scheduling skills, get to know how they shoot films in other countries, meet senior professionals and develop a network with your peers.

At the heart of this project is the belief that the European filmmaking industry, whose methods and positions are marked by disunity, can benefit from combining the respective experiences of ‹creative partners› (producers and directors) and ‹operational partners› (line producers and first assistant-directors), to the advantage of the entire ‹production team› and the film project itself.

PRODUCTION VALUE is a seven-day workshop simulating the preparations for six real-life film projects - three at an intermediate level (with budgets between 2 and 6 million Euro) and three at an advanced level (6 million Euros and more) - and delivering highly professional and fully operative working budgets and shooting schedules.

If you are a first or second assistant director, a line producer or a production manager and want to improve your ability to make the best out of the finances you are in charge of, then ‹PRODUCTION VALUE› is the right workshop for you.

Additional details about this program can be found at >

Tutors 2008 to be annoucend

Who are the Tutors?

3 Senior Line Producers (1 from English-speaking countries, 1 from Nordic or Germanic countries, 1 from Latin countries) and 2 Senior Assistant-Directors (1 from Northern countries, 1 from Southern countries) - whose large and respected experience (more than 15 films) range from complex action films to shooting with a small crew on the other side of the world - to coach and monitor the budgeting and scheduling simulation process of the 6 Projects.

Tutors of 2007 edition were Pascal Salafa (France), Mathias Schwerbrock (Germany), Jose Luis Escolar (Spain) and Marcel Just (Switerland).
proposed by


Erich Pommer Institut

Norvegian Film Development

with the support of

The MEDIA Programme

Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg

Focal is supported by