6 Junior Assistant Directors and 6 Junior Line Producers. For details on the level of applicants, consult
Application from producers and directors with a complex project to schedule and budget is free of charge and subject to selection by the Head of Studies.
Please write to →
Date and venue
Saturday 4 to Sunday 12 January 2014, in Retz, Austria
Registration/Application deadline
Application deadline 10 November 2013.
Registration form →
Please submit a full CV and a motivation letter.
€ 1'000 for full-time employees of production companies, including food and lodging
€ 800 for freelancers, including food and lodging
Travelling costs are not included.
English only. Fluent English is a prerequisite for all participants.
Denis Rabaglia, Head of Studies

Now heading for its 8th edition, PRODUCTION VALUE is an eight-day residential Workshop on scheduling and with the support of budgeting European feature films with budgets ranging from 2,5 to over 10 million Euro. Working in teams of two, Junior Line Producers and Junior Assistant Directors from all over Europe are assigned real projects in development, as brought to the Workshop by their Directors and Producers. Teams are coached by top-level European Line Producers and Assistant Directors. Additional experts in Visual Effects and Post-production are part of the process. Directors and Producers of the projects play an important part: they join the Workshop towards the end to discuss the various concepts, options and results. The Workshop is completed both by plenary sessions devoted to general topics related to line producing and assistant directing, and by case studies by the Seniors.

The objectives of PRODUCTION VALUE are the improvement of best practice in Europe in the fields of assistant directing and line producing as well as the consolidation of a network of professionals sharing the same values and similar experience. Emphasis is placed on understanding different European working conditions. A growing success initiative within the European film industry, PRODUCTION VALUE is the only training program addressing this segment, and its working process is a unique training experience that you won’t forget!

For additional details, registration and making-of of the previous editions of this program, consult: →

Tutors of the former editions

Jose-Luis Escolar
Senior Line Producer, ES
Laura Fattori Senior Line Producer, IT
Daniela Forn Mayor Senior Assistant Director, ES
Marcel Just Senior Assistant Director, CH
Scott Kirby Senior Assistant Director, DE
Oliver Lüer Senior Line Producer, DE
Alberto Mangiante Senior Assistant Director, IT
David Alvarez Martinez Senior Assistant Director, ES
Marco Valerio Pugini Senior Line Producer, IT
Stuart Renfrew Senior Assistant Director, UK
Pascal Salafa Senior Assistant Director, FR
Michael Schwarz Senior Line Producer, DE
Mathias Schwerbrock Senior Line Producer, DE
Kaare Storemyr Senior Line Producer, NO
Proposed by


Österreichisches Filminstitut

Norwegian Film Institut

Swedish Film Institut

with the support of


Focal is supported by