Series' Women 2024

©Erich Pommer Institute

©Erich Pommer Institute

©Erich Pommer Institute

©Erich Pommer Institute

1 Swiss Female producer in European drama series industry as well as hiring managers in the business of the participating producers.

Date and venue
5 modules between November 2024 – March 2025.
Online as well as on-site at various locations in Europe.
Registration/Application deadline
One female producer from Switzerland can participate in the programme, with a reduced participation fee of 500 EUR.
The regular participation fee is 2.500,00 EUR. 
Erich Pommer Institute

Proposed by the Erich Pommer Institute, Series’ Women is a career enhancement programme for female producers in the European drama series industry.

SERIES' WOMEN combines a broad variety of elements: the producers will participate in state-of-the-art training opportunities addressing topics such as visibility, leadership and digital entrepreneurship as well as receive curated 1-1 mentoring and coaching. Exclusive pitching and networking opportunities at top European industry markets and direct access to decision makers and top industry players will complete the programme.

By supporting selected female producers directly and boosting individual careers, SERIES' WOMEN sets off to increase the visibility and industry exposure of female producers and female-driven projects, supports the building of professional networks and strives to tackle underrepresentation in the industry in the general.

A unique part of the programme is an online diversity training exclusively directed at hiring managers or respective decision makers in the producers’ companies. Through this training, SERIES’ WOMEN address the topic of gender equality and diversity not only at an individual level but sets out to enable change at the organizational level and make companies more competitive and sustainable in the process.

The program will run in five modules from November 2024 until March 2025. 

  • Module 1 : Creating Visibility (early November)
  • Module 2 : Developing Visibility (November 2024 - March 2025)
  • Module 3 : Understanding the TV Drama Series Industry (end of January 2025)
  • Module 4 : Navigating the Current World of Business, Leadership and Entrepreneurship (March 2025)
  • Module 5 : Modern Gender Equality and Diversity Management (dates tba)

Thanks to FOCAL’s cooperation with EPI, one female industry professional from Switzerland can participate in the programme, with a reduced participation fee.

More information and application:

"By participating in the programme, I was able to gain valuable knowledge on leadership that I can integrate into my day-to-day work. The meticulous selection of experts and the excellent organisation contributed to an enriching and inspiring experience. I have built up a strong network of impressive female producers that will stay with me for a long time to come.”  Azra Djurdjevic, Producer Filmgerberei  (participant 2023/2024)

Proposed by

Erich Pommer Institut

In partnership with

FOCAL couleur       EAVEEWA Women European women's audiovisual network    GFF Göteborg Film Festival

SMF Series Mania Forum        Fis Eireann Screen Island        VAFWIFTI

Focal is supported by