Structural Constellations

20 to 25 participants with a film(fiction or documentary) or a transmedia project in development. Preference will be given to applicants in maximum 3-person teams (screenwriter, authordirector/ director/new media designer, producer, script consultant), but applications by individuals are also acceptable.
Date and venue
Only applications to both Modules are eligible
1st Module: 23 to 27 May 2017, close to Zurich, Switzerland
2nd Module: 13 to 17 November 2017, close to Warsaw, Poland
Registration/Application deadline
1 team (maximum three people): € 1000
1 individual participant: € 700
The fee includes tuition, accommodation and meals. Travel costs are not included.
Marc Wehrlin, Vanja Baumberger

The entire European industry agrees that for economic growth and cultural diversity within the audiovisual industry creative development remains crucial. In other words, the ‹golden› triangle - scriptwriter, director or transmedia designer and producer - is at the heart of any successful project development. The ambition of STRUCTURAL CONSTELLATIONS is to foster interdisciplinary co-operation within the development teams and to strengthen its actors' creative skills in order to improve the quality of the scripts while fostering a market perspective to reach a larger audience.


  • The reframing of your project with regard to the story/the scenes/the characters
  • The enhancement of your creative potential and your story development skills
  • The consolidation of your positioning in/monitoring of the creative process
  • Enhanced interaction within the development team of your project
  • Acquisition of techniques and tools to apply autonomously to other projects and to solve problems/conflicts with any team.

STRUCTURAL CONSTELLATIONS offer a shared and unique creative experience. Upon completion of the two Modules, the participants will have acquired precise, comprehensive and practical know-how and skills on behalf of their current and future projects. This intensive European Master Class proposes an interactive and pragmatic approach among peers, drawn up by Matthias Varga von Kibéd and co-animated by Marc Wehrlin.

A short film presenting the method, the detailed schedules and the dates for both Modules and the registration form are available under

Application Material

Applicants must have professional experience with the development of feature or documentary films or transmedia projects.
Please submit:

  • your curriculum vitae
  • a short motivation letter
  • the synopsis of your project

Matthias Varga von Kibéd
professor of logic and philosophy of science, and his wife, psychologist Insa Sparrer, have developed Systemic Structural Constellations since 1989. Matthias has been a lecturer for over 20 years and has written many scientific publications.

Marc Wehrlin
Freelancer for different cultural and cinematographic organizations, Marc Wehrlin has a vast experience as mediator and practitioner of the Systemic Structural Constellations.

Both have applied systemic structural constellations in numerous programs for filmmakers.
Proposed by

Norwegian Film Institut

Swedish Film Institut

Österreichisches Filminstitut

Wajda School


Supported by the Compensating Measures of the Federal Office of Culture FOC


Media Desk Suisse

Focal is supported by