Symposium Virtual Territories

Professionals from the audiovisual and interactive industry, such as producers, screenwriters, interactive storytellers, directors, camera operators, production designers, interactive design and games, financers, distributors for film and interactive media.
Date and venue
Friday, 5 May 2017, ZHdK, Toni-Areal, Zürich
Workshop: 10:00-17:00 (registration necessary)
Exhibition: 10:00-21:00 (open to the public)
Panel: 18:30-19:30 (open to the public)
Registration/Application deadline
CHF 120.-
Nicole Schroeder, Head of Department CrossFOCAL

Virtual Reality describes immersion in an artificially produced, or virtual world. By using headsets with screens, it is possible to experience and interact with a 360° virtual space.

Virtual Territories offers a Workshop on Virtual Reality and Immersive Film for audiovisual and interactive professionals, an Exhibition and a Panel.

Workshop (registration necessary)

The Workshop aims at giving an overview of the state of Virtual Reality. It focuses on new developments and challenges of VR as well as on aspects such as:

  • genres and variety of projects
  • dramaturgy and narration, writing for VR
  • the viewer's role and interaction through time and space
  • shooting and editing
  • funding, business models, audience and markets.

These topics will be discussed with experts. The topics will be accompanied by matching VR works curated by the Geneva International Film Festival Tous Ecrans.

Exhibition (open to the public)

New and innovative Swiss and international VR works (10:00-21:00).

Panel (open to the public)

Politicians from different parts of Switzerland willl discuss the possibilities and limits of financing Swiss digital creation (18:30-19:30)


Thomas Bedenk
, VR Consultant, Germany

Marie Blondiaux, VR Producer, Red Corner, France

Rémi Giordano, Screenwriter, VR Writer, France

Alexander Herrmann, VR Producer, Expanding Focus, Germany

Ingejan Lightart Schenk, VR director "Ashes to Ashes", Holland


Marc Lepetit
, Executive Producer, Tutor, UFA Fiction, Germany

Martin Zimper, Professor Cast / Audio-Visual Media, ZHdK
Workshop proposed by



ZHDK Cast audiovisual media

Festival Tous Ecrans


Panel and Exhibition proposed by


ZHDK Cast audiovisual media

Festival Tous Ecrans

Swiss digital alliance

Swiss Fiction Movement

Zürich für den Film

Focal is supported by