Transmedial Architecture

Participants must have their own transmedia project with at least three different media platforms, either at the stage of an idea or already in pre-production. A few openings for participants without projects will be available.
Date and venue
Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 May 2014, in Solothurn
Registration/Application deadline
CHF 250.- per participant with project, including individual coaching
Participants without a project: CHF 150.-
Jacqueline Surchat and Nicole Schroeder
This first Workshop, and a second one (Production and Distribution of a Transmedial Project) in September 2014, both fall under the auspices of ‹Transmedia Projects› (see PDF).

Nonetheless, both Workshops are also open to other professionals with a transmedia project.

The Workshop will help define transmedial architecture by finding and structuring the different media platforms for your project. The Workshop will offer an extensive introduction to the development of the creative and business skills that producing a successful transmedia story able to span multiple platforms, uniting the various industries and engaging with today's audiences all require.

The Workshop will also take a look at defining the message of a storyworld, helping to pinpoint the core themes, characters and message entailed in building the sort of storyworld and experience that you want to deliver. There will also be opportunity to study examples presenting expansion to other platforms such as romance, cartoons, games, TV shows, film, etc. This Workshop will help you to conceive, plan, document and develop a multi-platform project, capturing audiences by creating convincing interactive experiences that drive viewers to connect more intensely with the content and characters, making them feel part of the show.

The ‹Transmedia Projects› granted participants will attend this workshop on a 3-day basis, from May 12 thru May 14, 2014.


Inga von Staden

Media expert, innovation mediator, dialogue facilitator and coach. Ms. von Staden directs the four-year Interactive Media studies program at the Filmakademie Baden- Württemberg, training students to develop and produce transmedia content. An assessor for software-based media projects with the funding programme PROfit of the Investitionsbank Berlin, she has lectured and written on a range of media-related subjects; Ms. von Staden is also on the FMX ( International Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Digital Media) program board.

Nuno Bernardo
Emmy-nominated transmedia writer and producer and creator of the world's first international interactive on-line teen series, sofia's diary. Mr. Bernardo is the author of ‹The Producer's Guide to Transmedia›. His pioneering work in transmedia has led him to be the guest and keynote speaker at International events such as the Toronto, Cannes and Venice International Film Festivals, EAVE, MIPTV, MEM London, Power to the Pixel and many more.
In coproduction with


OFC - Office fédéral de la cultureIn collaboration with

Solothurner Filmtage

Focal is supported by