PR - Press - Promotion

8 to 15 heads of media within distribution companies, freelance publicists and people in charge of the production press
Date and venue
Wednesday 11 March 2015, in Zurich
Registration/Application deadline
CHF 150.-
Carola Stern, Bereichsverantwortliche Auswertung
What exactly does an integrated media and promotion strategy mean for a film's theatrical release?

Using a media-based approach, Gudrun Burie and Barbara Van Lombeek cover the entire spectrum from planning to measure taking: from the positioning of a film using a media strategy and its interrelation with promotion to media training for directors, actors and actresses.

Using case studies, they show 'best practice' but also experiences with positive and negative surprises. Apart from the presentation and the discussions, the workshop offers room for mutual exchanges, individual coaching and work on one's own projects.


Gudrun Burie
, Co-owner of the agency The PR Factory - International Film Publicity. International festival press, production press and marketing advice in Belgium

Barbara Van Lombeek, Co-owner of the agency The PR Factory - International Film Publicity. International festival press, media work and film marketing advice for distributors in Belgium

Both of them are speakers at the EAVE Filmmarketing Workshop

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