Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits
Comments about the First Workshop, April 2012 in Sweden
- Did this First MEDICI Workshop make sense for you?
- Yes, as there are new strategies to be implemented in our fund. Noemi Ferrer, International Producer, Danish Film Institute
- Yes, even more. You are aware of the (film) world around you. George van Breemen, Head of finance, Netherlands Film Fund
- It has been a very enriching experience; at first, I did not know what to expect from this Workshop… training for film funders… Yes, we learn but through experiences and ideas from other film funders, we receive and we give, and the networking with foreign colleagues is brilliant. It has been extremely useful to me, to the FFA in general since I go back home with inspiring ideas to discuss within the organisation; I will thus recommend it to the CEO, Peter Dinges, so that he attends the Second Workshop in Austria in the autumn. Christine Berg, COO, FFA - German Federal Film Board
- In what sense is it an added value for your work?
- Exchange experiences and share points of views with colleagues that make the same profession is an asset. It is enriching, motivating, eyes-opening. Roberto Olla, Executive Director, Eurimages
- Sometimes the decision makers feel alone in their everyday work. This platform gives confidence but also a will to go back home and change some things. Marge Liiske, Managing Director, Estonian Film Foundation
- I heard about initiatives, strategies which could make sense to adopt for our own fund. Karin Schockweiler, European affairs — project evaluation, Film Fund Luxembourg
- It opened my eyes to the many various other voices and ways of addressing issues which affect us all. The value of dialogue was strongly reinforced. James Hickey, CEO, The Irish Film Board
- How would you define this experience?
- Networking, Reflection, Space. Anna Serner, CEO, Swedish Filminstitute
- For me it was a wonderful opportunity to meet my peers away from everyday pressures and exchange views freely, think laterally, outside of the box and I really think that this was an excellent idea to create a platform to bring heads of funds, funds' strategists together to debate burning issues on a regular basis. Sanja Ravlic, Head of Development, Croatian Audiovisual Centre
- Great experience so far. Good to mix national and regional funds. Shows us, at least in Sweden, that we should work more closely and more openly. Anette Mattsson, CEO, Filmregion Stockholm-Malardalen
- A rare occasion to go deeper into the day-to-day problems and to reflect on your own practices. Nina Refseth, CEO, Norsk filminstitutt
MEDICI Head of Training
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