PREVIS, STORYBOARD, ANIMATIC - Visualizing before Filming

10 to 15 animators, story-boarders, directors (animation and fiction), graphic designers
Date and venue
Friday 22 and Saturday 23 April 2016, in Lucerne
Registration/Application deadline
20 March 2016; kindly add your curriculum vitae
CHF 300.-
Fred Guillaume and Immanuel Wagner

Previsualisation (previs) has become a useful tool that makes it cheaper and easier to experiment in the preproduction phase. By working up a film demo, the director can take decisions around framing, lighting and special effects before going into production. S/he can also use the demo to share the vision with the team, the production crew or a client. It is thus also a useful and very precise planning tool for filming.

How can we navigate between the various tools and methods on offer when we often lack the time to experiment on a production? This seminar offers an opportunity to test different tools in the company of two previs specialists. Practical workshops and case studies will enable participants to make up their own minds and find the ways of working that suit them.


Oliver Wünsch
Illustrator, storyboarder, animator and developer, Olivier Wünsch turns his hand to everything and never stops exploring new ways of telling stories through photography and animation. He is hugely experienced in the fields of feature film and animated film.

Raffael Dickreuter California
Raffael Dickreuter is a designer and photographer based in Los Angeles. Originally born in Switzerland he has a diverse professional background in film visual effects, design, web, advertising and photography. As designer and animator he worked on feature films such as TERMINATOR SALVATION, THE INCREDIBLE HULK, SUPERMAN RETURNS, IRON MAN and others. He has worked for directors such as Steven Spielberg, Zack Snyder (300), Martin Campbell (CASINO ROYALE, GOLDENEYE) and Gore Verbinski (PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN).
In cooperation with

Hochschule Luzern

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