Digital High Definition: the video standard of all our images?

Film directors, producers, senior television executives, other interested professionals
Date and venue
2 November 2005, 1.30 - 5.30 pm, Hotel Epsom Manotel, Geneva
Registration/Application deadline
Immediate registration: Admission is free of charge, but registration is compulsory at:
French and English, with simultaneous translation
Celya Reverdin, Gaetano Stucchi, Geneva Select Market
Colloquium on the future of HD within the framework of the Geneva Select Market / Cinéma Tout Ecran
After a long period of trials, industrial breakthroughs and cultural distrust, today high definition digital video is asserting itself as the most accomplished and effective stage of electronic imagery. What interests and difficulties does an early adoption of digital HD imply from the point of view of television companies and independent producers? Given its current resources, can the sector afford such a transformation, taking in account not only the financial situation of television companies, movie theatres and independent producers, but also the purchasing power and willingness of consumers? The debate will focus on:
- the present state of HD technology
- the migration of the electronic industry and audiovisual market to HD standard, in Switzerland and Europe
- the attitude of broadcasters and independent producers towards HD.

Representatives of HD manufacturers and of providers of distribution infrastructure (Eutelsat, Swisscom)

Representatives of broadcaster associations and regulatory bodies (EBU, ETSI, Ofcom), of the European Community and of FORUM HDTV Europe

Professionals in the field, TV broadcasters, independent producers, video distributors and publishers, image technicians
proposed by



srg ssr idéesuisse

within the framework of

Geneva Select Market

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