Filmmakers behind the camera - Part 2: Workshop for documentary filmmakers

Date and venue
6 days from October 2011, 2 days in Brussels, London and Nyon, respectively
Registration/Application deadline
12 August 2011; please enclose a CV and a short letter of motivation, as well as a description of the film project (maximum 2 pages)
Workshop attendance is free. Accomodation and travelling expenses may amount to ca. CHF 1,200.- + cost for the participation in part 1.
English and French, without translation
Irene Loebell, filmmaker
More information about this seminar: Irene Loebell, +41 79 293 35 00

Part 2: ‹Workshop for documentary filmmakers›

Are you currently directing a film and doing the camera work yourself? Would you like to engage in intensive discussions with experienced colleagues? This is your chance: starting in October, six documentary filmmakers will have the opportunity to work for half a year under the guidance of Manu Bonmariage, Molly Dineen and Peter Entell. In three in-depth workshops, you will further develop your projects on the basis of your work in progress. Key concerns will be authorial approach, camera work and editing strategies. Between the workshops, participants will continue working on their films in the intervals, if possible.

6 documentary filmmakers who have made at least one publicly screened film and who currently work on a project (preferably for the cinema), where they act as cameramen/women. Shooting must have started prior to the beginning of the workshop (beginning of October 2011), but should not yet be completed.

→ Part 1: ‹Three autors — three visions›


Manu Bonmariage, BE
allo police (1987), les amants d'assise (1992), looking for dragone (2008)

Molly Dineen, GB geri (1999), the lord's tale (2002), the lie of the land (2007)

Peter Entell, CH/USA josh's trees (2005), shake the devil off (2007), ailleurs, ma maison (in Arbeit)

Complete filmographies (PDF):

Manu Bonmariage
Molly Dineen
Peter Entell
with the support of



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