Essential Legal Framework

Professionals from the film and television industry: producers, distributors, commissioning editors, directors, TV broadcasters; bankers and lawyers.
Date and venue
13 to 17 September 2009, in San Sebastian (Spain)
Registration/Application deadline
None (first come, first served)
Full fee: € 1'250.-, incl. accommodation and full board at the Hotel Palacio de Aiete in San Sebastian
Erich Pommer Institut; Nadja Radojevic (Project Manager); Petra Böschen-Scott (Assistant)

Content is now being produced, distributed and consumed in ways which were unimaginable even five years ago, thanks to digital technology. Where will we be in another five years? We are now in new commercial and legal territory which has risks but also opportunities. In this seminar we are setting out to equip producers and distributors with the basic tools to help them make the most of the changes in the digital landscape.

This workshop provides essential and hands-on knowledge to help media business adapt to capitalise on new developments in digital distribution. Besides lectures and panel sessions, cutting-edge business cases will offer valuable insights into the latest developments and strategies.

  • What are the new media of distribution?
  • What content is used?
  • Digital copyright and related rights
  • Licensing of digital content
  • Business cases
  • Virtual Worlds and Gaming

For detailed information abut ESSENTIAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK, the seminar and for your registration kindly consult

or contact the Erich Pommer Institut in Potsdam/Germany
> + 49 331 721 2885

Speakers (among others)

Dr. Frank Brauner

Schwarz Kelwing Wicke Westpfahl, Germany
Els Hendrix
ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, Germany
Dorieke van Helden
Fortissimo Films, The Netherlands
Nuno Bernardo
beActive, Portugal

Focal is supported by