The Ever-Evolving Documentary Marketplace

40 Documentary producers and directors
Date and venue
Monday 23 April 2007, from 9am to 5pm, in Nyon
Registration/Application deadline
10 April 2007,
Registration with Carine Bernasconi:
100 Swiss Francs, including lunch, two coffee breaks and documentation
Gabriela Bussmann
Coordination: Carine Bernasconi

DOCM is organizing a seminar for professionals on the theme of strategies for the distribution of documentaries intended to develop the awareness among producers and directors of the importance of documentary sales strategies and of thinking of distribution from the inception of the project. This approach will make it possible to more clearly define objectives at the stage of looking for financing as well as to help facilitate the access to the international documentary market.

The seminar, created and moderated by Jan Rofekamp (founder and managing director of Films Transit International) and Diana Holtzberg - two leading figures of the documentary distribution market - will provide an opportunity for participants to acquire useful tools for the financing and the sale of feature-length documentaries.

Premiering at Nyon, this seminar will later be proposed around the world at documentary forums, festivals and markets.


Jan Rofekamp

is the President and owner of Films Transit International, one of the world's leading international distributors of 'high profile' theatrical feature documentaries.
After studying film production at the Dutch Film Academy from 1968 to 1972, Jan Rofekamp co-founded and co-operated in the film distribution company Fugitive Cinema Holland from 1972 to 1982. Of Dutch origin, he was born on April 16, 1950 in Zurich, Switzerland and has lived in Montreal, Canada since July 1982 where he founded Films Transit International. He has produced and executive produced dozens of films throughout his career.

Diana Holtzberg
is Acquisitions, Project Development and Sales Director, US for Films Transit International.
She and Films Transit's President co-authored The Current State of the International Marketplace For Documentary Films and Feeling Festive: Strategies for Taking Your Film on the Festival Circuit.
Proposed by

Visions du Réel and Doc Outlook International Market

with support of


Focal is supported by