Essential Legal Framework

30 participants from film production companies, their managers, assistants, tax advisors, business & legal affairs personnel, in-house-counsels, producers, packagers and lawyers
Date and venue
Rights Clearance: 19.- 22. April 2007 in Vienna / Austria
European Co-Production: Legal and Financial Aspects: 24.- 28. October 2007, on Mallorca/Spain
Registration/Application deadline
Rights Clearance: 29 March 2007; kindly include your cv
European Co-Production: Legal and Financial Aspects: 3 October 2007; kindly include your cv
Rights Clearance: € 850.-
European Co-Production: Legal and Financial Aspects: € 1'150.-
Both prices include accommodation and full board.
Erich Pommer Institut; Andrea Peters, Head of Training; Nadja Radojevic, International Training Coordinator
Rights Clearance: Practical knowledge in how to clear rights for film and TV fast and effectively. European Co-Production: Legal and Financial Aspects: Practical knowledge about legal rules and financing opportunities for European co-productions

Under the claim ‹Professionalize the professionals›, the Erich Pommer Institut is offering since 2003 a series of workshops within its programme ESSENTIAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK. These workshops cover important legal fields which are relevant to the development, financing, production as well as to the marketing of films in all forms of media.

Rights Clearance
Every film producer, every television network, every website provider has to clear rights for music, texts, images, personal rights and privacy. This is often a complicated, interminable and costly process. The seminar will provide the participants with the necessary practical knowledge in how to clear rights fast and effectively. Teaching will combine theoretical and practical work ‹on the case›. It will also provide the latest developments in clearing via collecting agencies and other institutions.

European Co-Production: Legal and Financial Aspects
Co-productions between film producers of different EU member states have to cope with complex and changing environments of legal rules and financing opportunities. They have to take into account the relevant differences between copyright laws and its consequences for contracts with foreign talent, production and distribution companies from different member states. They should know about the various tax systems to optimize the taxation of their company and about the possibilities for getting state subsidies including the Media Plus Programme itself.

For detailed information and registration kindly consult > or contact Erich Pommer Institut in Potsdam / Germany 0049.(0)331.721 2885.


Rights Clearance:
Dr. Martin Diesbach (Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz, Germany), Gillian M. Lusins (NBC Universal, USA), Peter McInerney (Sheridans, UK), Kai May, (Unverzagt von Have, Germany), Charles-Edouard Renault (Gide Loyrette Nouel, France) and many more

European Co-Production:
Wolfgang Brehm (Brehm & v. Moers), Marie Gade and Anders Kjaerhauge (both Zentropa, Denmark), Dr. Torsten Poeck (Clou Partners, Germany), Bernie Stampfer (Deutsche Bank, Expert Group Media) and many more