Essential Legal Framework 2011

Professionals from the film and television industry, such as producers, distributors, commissioning editors, bankers, directors, writers, TV broadcasters and lawyers
Date and venue
Sunday 5 to Thursday 9 June, 2011, in Århus/Denmark
Registration/Application deadline
No application procedure, no registration deadline! Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. For detailed information and registration, kindly consult →
Regular participation (incl. accommodation and meals): 1st person € 1.250.-, 2nd person from the same company € 900.-. For residents (excl. accommodation, incl. meals): 1st person € 770.-, 2nd person from same company € 500.-
EPI: Nadja Radojevic (Head of International Training)

The Erich Pommer Institute offers training events that are designed to meet the specific needs of the European film and TV professionals. The workshops offer compact information with an emphasis on legal and financial aspects and can be booked separately.

Training Events in 2011:

  • Digital Distribution Strategies: 5 to 9 June 2011, in Århus, Denmark (see below)
  • European Co-Production: 21 to 25 October 2011, in Berlin, Germany (see next programme)
  • The Art of Negotiating Agreements: 30 November to 4 December 2011 in Baden (near Vienna), Austria (see next programme)

‹Digital Distribution Strategies› Fast forward your business!

New Media make filmmakers more powerful than ever. For the first time it is possible to finance, produce, distribute, and own your content - thanks to digital technology. In this seminar, we are setting out to equip producers (and distributors) with the basic tools to help them capitalize on the opportunities of the digital world.

  • Learn all about VOD, COD, DOD, and crowd funding in a social media world
  • Strategies for multi-platform projects


  • Introduction to new media: content/services/value chain
  • Crowd funding
  • Social networks: How to build up and use social networks
  • Producing cross media content and building the buzz
  • Digital copyright and related rights
  • Licensing of digital content
Speakers (amongst others)

Wendy Bernfeld (Rights Stuff), The Netherlands
Peter de Maegd (Caviar Films/ Potemkino), Belgium
Thomas Mai (Digital Distribution Expert), Denmark
Stacey Parks (Film Specific), USA
Frederik Stege (TrustNordisk ApS), Denmark
Pekka Ollula (Blind Spot Pictures/Head of Social Media at Iron Sky), Finland
Femke Wolting (Submarine), The Netherlands
proposed by



with the support of


sponsored by
Brehm & v. Moers
Danish Film Institute
Fernsehfonds Austria
Filmby Aarhus
Filmfonds Wien
ILB InvestitionsBank des Landes Brandenburg
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Unverzagt von Have

Focal is supported by