The Craft of Editing and Storytelling

12 to 20 documentary filmmakers, directors, editors, DOPs, producers
Date and venue
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February 2017, in Nyon
Registration/Application deadline
CHF 300, incl. 2 lunches
English and French; the speakers will assist with translation (if necessary), and participants may contribute to the discussion in German.
Edgar Hagen
How is a documentary film created from complex material, using long editing processes? What are some practical ways in which directors and editors can work together?

How to craft a documentary film from complex material during the long process of editing? What practical methods contribute to the director's and editor's collaboration and what sort of dialogue leads to a shared vision of the footage? How do they build a dramatic arc, drawing on classic feature-film methods, developing characters and continuity? Director Peter Entell and editor Elizabeth Waelchli have been working closely together for 15 years. In this seminar, they will use examples from Peter Entell's films shake the devil off (2007) and like dew in the sun (2016) to give an in-depth insight into a film's creation in the editing suite.

The workshop will then continue in autumn 2017. At that time, three rough cuts from new, long documentary films will be discussed in the group. We are open to suggestions for suitable rough cuts by email to


Peter Entell

has over 35 years'experience directing films on political, social and personal issues. He has been invited to give workshops in Denmark, Belgium, Serbia, France, Finland, Switzerland, and the USA. like dew in the sun will have its international Premiere in the IDFA 2016 Competition.

Elizabeth Waelchli has edited many fiction and documentary films including yol, which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Peter and Elizabeth have worked together editing Peter's films for the past 15 years. Each of them has over forty years' editing experience.


Edgar Hagen
, Head of Documentary Film Department at FOCAL

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