MEDICI - The Film Funding Journey

Date and venue
Wednesday 25 September 2019 (early evening) to Friday 27 September 2019 (end of the day), in Potsdam/Germany
Registration/Application deadline

Experiences of public film funds with new technologies, their impacts on funding schemes and their responsability towards the industry players and/or the feasibility of projects.

The agenda of the 9th Workshop of Medici is, on one hand, based on the demand of participants to follow up on issues discussed during the 8th workshop and more specifically about blockchain and  funds experiences with SVOD/VOD platforms like Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, HBO, and, on the other hand, to talk about formats (what are we talking about, what does it means in terms of financing needs and funding schemes, of distribution requirements, of evaluation criteria and last but not least, do funds have a role to play and actions to take to ensure the sustainability of the industry players or do they have to only take care of the feasibility and quality of projects.


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