Shooting Limited Series - The Various Models

50 directors, producers, writers, assistant directors, production managers, line producers, directors of photography
Date and venue
Tuesday, 1 December 2020, from 10:00 to 16:30, in Berne
Registration/Application deadline
CHF 180, including lunch
Denis Rabaglia, writer-director and head of studies
Hannah Lichtenstein, script supervisor and general coordinator

Limited series is the new format that excites the audience. For film professionals, however, who are used to the «writing > financing > shooting > post-prod > release» model, limited series are quite a challenge. In the international market, they are often greenlighted prior to being written, they are shot by multiple directors, their post-production workflow is continuous to production, and another season is often in the pipeline before the first one is completed.

During this seminar, various models – in particular involving several directors with various on-going writing processes and shooting patterns – will be presented through case studies by their ‹architects›. As we will discover, there is a plan behind every limited series before it is made. A source of inspiration for future projects that provides an incentive to think outside the box.


Judith Lichtneckert (Switzerland)
Production manager on 35 episodes of DER BESTATTER  for SRF

Colin Azzopardi (Malta)
Assistant director on 40 episodes and production manager on 30 other episodes of GAME OF THRONES for HBO

Jose Luis Escolar (Spain)
Producer on 16 episodes of JACK RYAN for Amazon Prime Video

Matthias Schwerbrock (Germany)
Line producer on the first season of THE TRANSPORTER

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