ProPro - Producers' Programme for Women

Female producers with a project or female company owners who want to work on their business plan instead
Date and venue
27 November until 1 Dezember 2023, Vienna
Registration/Application deadline
1 Swiss female producer or female company owner can participate free of charge (travel and accommodation costs are at the expense of the participant)
Austrian Film Institute

ProPro is a training programme to empower female producers, designed to connect and support them across the European film production landscape. ProPro aims to promote diversity in the film industry by offering a programme that will provide the participants with tools to meet the increasingly complex challenges of the industry and society in general.
The week-long international residential workshop will take place in November 2023 in Vienna and will be followed by remote individual mentorship sessions.
The participating producers are assigned to highly acclaimed international female producers and experts, who mentor them in group sessions, one-to-one meetings and two follow-up meetings. They receive hands-on advice on their film projects and careers, as well as consultation for specific issues in their professional lives. 

Thanks to FOCAL's partnership, one Swiss producer can participate free of charge.

More information and application

An initiative by

Austrian Film Institute

in partnership with

FOCAL couleur

Focal is supported by