Reports Previous Workshops
Eighth Workshop – 26 to 28 September 2018, Royaumont Abbey, France
This introduction to the 8th Medici report outlines:
- The importance for funds to collaborate more in order to face the new environment and the complexity of film financing and distribution;
- Projects and actions taken by other industry players like public TV channels regarding audience reach;
- The use of technology to simplify the burden of time spent on administrative work given the increased number of stakeholders in each project.
The main challenges1 faced by the funds during the workshop:
- For the participants, the group exercises (new for this 8th workshop) forced them to think out of the box on proposals that may never be manageable but that forced them to exchange and come up with “something” to present to their colleagues;
- How to use data adequately. The data collection still remains an abstract concept. The example of Yle the Finnish TV channel was a good example of concrete action that could be taken by the funds.
- The understanding of the blockchain platform as a tool to simplify and bring transparency to all stages of the value chain.
- To face their forces and weaknesses in terms of supporting international coproductions
1 in more detail throughout the report.

Cooperation between public funds in an increasingly complex and international environment: opportunities, actions, ideas
- Introduction
- Module 1a – Panel: Co-operation between funds means mainly supporting co-production
- Module 1b – Are there possible alternatives?
- Module 2 – How to access smart data to better reach the audience?
- Module 3 – How could funds help each other to make the projects they co-finance visible?
- Module 4a – How to simplify and make life easier for funds and producers in terms of paperwork.
- Module 4b – Digitizing the Funding Process
- Module 5 – How to assess the performance of funding programs dedicated to international co-operation?