Production Value

4 first or second assistant directors and 4 line producers or production managers
Date and venue
27 January - 3 February 2007, in Switzerland
Registration/Application deadline
30 November 2006.
Please submit a full CV and a motivation letter
CHF 1'350.- (€ 850.-) including food and lodging.
English only. Fluent English is a prerequisite for all participants.
Denis Rabaglia, Pascal Verdosci
Line producers, production managers and first assistant- directors: How to make the best of your budget

How to make the best of your budget - A workshop for line producers / production managers and first assistant-directors to improve their creative partnership with producers and directors.

European cinema has many different practices, but the roles of the Line Producers and the First Assistant Directors always remain the same: they are freelancers working and deciding jointly with the film's producer(s) and director on how the film will be made, be it a low-budget auteur film or a big-budget pan-European co-production. Production Value is meant to improve on the skills of line producers and first assistant directors under the mentoring of senior and respected professionals and build a network of professionals in Europe.

This 7-day workshop will simulate the preparations for 4 real-life film projects, 2 at a beginner's level (with bud-gets of up to 1,5 to 3 million Euro) and 2 at an advanced level (with budgets of 3 million Euro), ultimately delive-ring highly professional and fully working budgets and shooting schedules.

The directors and producers of the real-life projects will participate as guests and share their know-how with the participants.

Additional details about this program can be found at

proposed by


Norvegian Film Development

Erich Pommer Institut

National Film and Television School

with the support of

The MEDIA Programme

Focal is supported by