Professionals from the film and television industry, such as producers, distributors, commissioning editors, bankers, directors, writers, TV broadcasters and lawyers
Date and venue
29 April to 3 May 2015, in Barcelona, Spain
Please check → for the exact dates
Registration/Application deadline
No application procedure, no registration deadline! Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. For detailed information and registration, kindly consult → or contact the Erich Pommer Institut in Potsdam/Germany +49 (0)331.721 2886 →
For Swiss participants including accommodation and meals: 1st person € 1.000.-
2nd person from the same company € 750.-
For Swiss participants without accommodation, but including meals: 1st person € 550.-
2nd person from the same company € 400.-
Erich Pommer Institut: Dina Rubanovits (Project Manager)

The Erich Pommer Institute offers training events that are designed to meet the specific needs of the European audiovisual industry. The goal is to enable film and TV professionals to update and deepen their knowledge fast and effectively. The workshops offer compact information with an emphasis on legal and financial aspects and can be booked separately.

Training Events in 2015:

  • The Art of Negotiating Agreements for the Media Industry: Spring /summer 2015, Barcelona
  • European Co-Production - Legal and Financial Aspects: October 2015 in Berlin
  • Digital Strategies - Financing, Marketing and Distribution 2.0: November/December 2015 in Berlin

The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV

Good agreements are essential for the success of a film production. Fortunately, the drafting and negotiating of agreements in the film industry can be trained. This workshop aims at enabling Film and Television producers to handle an agreement like a good script: with passion and a deep understanding of its structures and mechanisms. Participants will learn the psychological dynamics involved in any negotiation and gain knowledge on how to best protect their interests.


  • Essential elements of agreements in the production and exploitation of motion pictures
  • The psychology of negotiation
  • Negotiation techniques (Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP; The Harvard Method, and others)
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Tricks in negotiations
Speakers will be acclaimed negotiation experts as well as leading professionals actively working in the media industry.
Check → for regular updates
Proposed by



Creative Europe MEDIA

Supported by

Brehm & v. Moers
Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Unverzagt von Have

Focal is supported by