Directing amateurs

Directors, producers, directors of photography, journalists and editors
Date and venue
3 days in late autumn 2006; the exact date will be know by this summer
Registration/Application deadline
September 2006
Reduced fee* :
CHF 360.-
Full fee:
CHF 1'110.-
English, without translation
Bettina Schmid
Where do the advantages and the risks lie in working with non professional actors?

Carlos Sorin is a master of simple stories about small events that change ordinary people's lives, and the audience is deeply moved by the amateur cast of his films BOMBON - EL PERRO and HISTORIAS MINIMAS. As such, his cinematographic work is part of a tradition in filmmaking with non-professional actors, established by famous directors like Bresson, Angelopoulos, Kiarostami, etc.

How does Carlos Sorin work? How does he search for and choose his actors? Where do the advantages and the risks lie in working with non-professionals? What conditions, in terms of technique and production, facilitate working with them? What experiences have been made in financing and distributing films without stars?

Based on the screenings of Carlos Sorin's films, the workshop will give the opportunity for in-depth discussions about creative challenges, production strategies and directing methods when working with amateurs. In order to share his practice with the participants, Carlos Sorin will also cast South-American non-professional actors and shoot a scene.

Carlos Sorin, Argentina

Carlos Sorin's first film, LA PELICULA DEL REY, was awarded the Silver Lion at the Venice International Film Festival in 1986. After the flop of ETERNAS SONRISAS DE NEW JERSEY, he withdrew to devote himself to commercials, returning to feature fi lms in 2002 with the successful HISTORIAS MINIMAS (Special Mention for the FIPRESCI Prize at the San Sebastian International Film Festival in 2002, Silver Condor in 2003, Goya 1987 and 2004 for Best Spanish-language foreign film); and in 2004 with BOMBON - EL PERRO (FIPRESCI prize at the San Sebastian International Film Festival 2004).

Walter Ruggle
(Manager of trigon-film),
Stefan Haupt (Film Director)
with the support of


srg ssr idéesuisse

Focal is supported by