Visual Music and Audible Imagery

20 - 30 animation filmmakers, students, producers, journalists, other professionals interested in animation films
Date and venue
6 September 2005 in Baden (Animated Conversation)
Registration/Application deadline
immediate registration;
please add your cv
Part I (Conversation)
Reduced fee*:
CHF 150.- (lunch included)
Full fee:
CHF 400.-
English, with translation into French or German, if necessary.
Please indicate on your registration form which languages you understand.
Tanja Huber
Workshop with a unique explorer of the world of sounds and images.
Conversation: We approach the cinematic work of Richard Reeves by means of discussions and excerpts of his films in order to find out what experiences this innovative explorer of sounds and images makes on his journeys through time and space. Then we focus on the activities of the independent production plant ‹Quickdraw Animation Society› (QAS), which is as unique as its film production coordinator. This is where, for two years, Richard explored the ins and outs of the possibilities offered by ‹hand-made› images and sounds and where he created a special sound system for linear dreams, his enchanting film with an epic appeal.
Richard R. Reeves

Born in 1959 in Weymouth, England. In 1960 he moved to Ontario, Canada, with his family. He has been fascinated by the world of visual arts and music since his childhood. He studied applied arts and technology. His experiments with photography led him to painting directly on film. Today he works as a ‹film production coordinator› at the ‹Quickdraw Animation Society› in Calgary. As a specialist in direct animation, he holds classes at various schools, as well as a large number of workshops.
Tanja Katrin Huber
Film scientist and animation film maker
in cooperation with


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