Dan Geva, Noit Geva: The Filming Me

15 documentary filmmakers and other interested film professionals
Date and venue
Friday 26 (3 pm) November 2010 to Sunday 28 (5 pm), in Zurich
Registration/Application deadline
26 October 2010; kindly add a short curriculum vitae
Reduced fee*:
CHF 360.-, including two lunches
Full fee:
CHF 900.-
Bettina Spoerri bettina.spoerri@bluewin.ch, Dieter Gränicher
An encounter seminar with the Israeli documentary filmmaker pair, addressing the narrative perspectives and dramaturgy of their films between the conflicting priorities of society, politics and film history

This encounter seminar is a special opportunity to learn more about the essayist and experimental work method of Israeli filmmaker Dan Geva, one of the most important representatives of his country's younger generation of filmmakers. In his films — most of which are made in close collaboration with his co-scriptwriter, co-director and editor Noit Geva — he challenges national myths and political symbols by linking them to personal memories and feelings from a radical, self-centered perspective and by analyzing them critically. Whether an experimental exploration of a big city's' rhythm, a subversive examination of Israel's history by reinterpreting a film by Chris Marker, or an attempt at a filmic reconstruction of the events marking a massacre, the approach taken by the two Gevas excitingly confronts highly intimate issues and puts our foregone conclusions into question.

The selection of the films to be screened, as well as the presentations and topics of discussion, are all centered on the first-person perspective of the Geva films, their narrative structure and their rhythmic articulation of the associated imagery — not to mention their accomplishment by a team of two. In addition, given the Geva's broad knowledge of history and filmmaking theory, they put their movies into the context of our day's cinema.


Dan Geva

Filmmaker, Producer, Lecturer

Noit Geva
Director, Editor, Producer and Lecturer
in cooperation with


SERET Kino aus der Jüdischen Welt

Focal is supported by