SOURCES 2 compact

8 to 10 writer-directors, writers (or teams of writers and co-writers, producers or directors) with a short fiction film project in development (treatment or first draft script).
Date and venue
1 to 6 April 2008, in Lausanne
Registration/Application deadline
25/02/2008; please use only the application form at, and add your treatment or script, personal motivation letter, cv, and if applicable, cv of producer committed and track record of production company
600 Euro per participant. The fee includes the four-day session with food and accommodation, the coaching during the re-writing period and the follow-up by e-mail (travelling expenses excluded).
English and French without translation
Renate Gompper,
Marion Gompper (SOURCES 2)

Do you want to put all the stops in order to draw attention to your short film? Do you want to work with two renowned European mentors to chart new territory in writing and rewriting your screenplay until it is ready to go? Do you want to benefit from the expert vision of two exceptional specialists and plunge into the essence of the dramaturgy of a project? Do you want to share the intimate experience of screenwriting with others in a peaceful environment, with no distractions except for the single-minded goal of perfecting your story?
Then this seminar is for you!

Selected participants will work in two small groups with four to five projects each, under the guidance of Antoine Jaccoud and Dick Ross. Lectures, keynotes and discussions will round off the programme. The efficiency of SOURCES 2 compact lies in its special format. The four-day workshop is followed by a coached rewriting period of approximately three months and final feedback by e-mail from the mentors on the participants' latest draft.

SOURCES 2 is a professional training organization providing high-level script development programmes within Europe. Between 1992 and 2007, the Dutch Foundation SOURCES organized 55 workshops in 17 European countries. 65 films have been completed and approx. 20 projects are presently in production.

Script advisers

Antoine Jaccoud

based in Lausanne, works as a screenwriter, playwright and script doctor. He tutors projects in Switzerland, West Africa, Poland, South Caucasus, etc.

Dick Ross
based in London, works all over the world as a script consultant, script teacher, screenwriter and storyteller. He is a member of the SOURCES 2 Board of Governors.
proposed by



with the support of

The MEDIA Programme

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