From Producers to Producers

Date and venue
Monday 11 August 2014, from 15.00 to 18.00, at the Hotel Belvedere in Locarno. Welcome from 14.30
Registration/Application deadline
The event is free of charge but registration is compulsory at
English without simultaneous interpretation
Carola Stern, Christos Dervenis

‹Creative Experiences in Producers' Pools›

This year's meeting is looking at the benefits to producers of a collective approach to handling the challenges of our digital times, the emergence of another generation of producers, new forms of storytelling, changes in audiences' taste and behaviour, new trends and technologies.

Swiss producers and international experts will present their experience over the last four years within a unique training programme of self-organized pools addressing such shared topics as financing and co-producing projects in the arthouse sector, communication and networking, the choice of appropriate forms to best convey winning stories between the big screen and transmedia, new promotion and marketing tools, etc.

Thus, a wide range of themes to be shared and discussed, in a moderated presentation and debate for the first half of the meeting, and a second part featuring a cocktail reception for the informal continuation of the discussions.


Christian Davi (Hugofilm, Zurich),
Alexandre Iordachescu (Elefant Films, Geneva),
Patrick Müller (Docmine, Zurich),
Tiziana Soudani (Amka Film, Lugano)

International Experts: to be announced

Carola Stern
Proposed by




at the invitation of


Festival del film Locarno

in partnership with

MEDIA Desk Suisse

in co-operation with

ACE Ateliers du Cinéma Européen

EAVE European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs

Focal is supported by