Swiss Arab Music Video Workshop

2 Swiss directors and 2 Swiss camera people whose previous work has made a strong visual impact.
Date and venue
5 to 18 February 2007, in Cairo (Egypt)
Registration/Application deadline
30 October 2006;
please submit a full CV and a demo reel
Course fees, food and lodging will be provided free of charge for the selected filmmakers. Flight to Cairo (at the participant's expense): about CHF 1000.- round trip
English only
Denis Rabaglia (FOCAL),
Hebba Sherif (Pro Helvetia Cairo),
Yara Goubran (Camera Image Collective CIC, Cairo)
Creating innovative music videos that break new cultural grounds

For the first time, we are offering a specific course on the art of music videos. This emerging market for young filmmakers calls for specific visual skills, different from those used in any other medium. The music industry is a highly competitive realm, where budgets tend to be very tight, business rules very strict and singers' egos very big. Turning out music videos is therefore a state-of-the-art creative challenge.

In this practical workshop, each director-cameraman team will prepare, shoot and edit a music video by a popular singer. The Swiss participants will illustrate an Arab pop song and their Egyptian colleagues will be assigned a Swiss pop song. The original singers will be part of the process.

Filmmakers enthused by the creative and cultural challenge of illustrating pop songs are invited to spend a fortnight in Cairo for this one-off experience.

Stuart Gosling

With 97 international music videos to his credit as a director and cameraman (including those for the BACKSTREET BOYS, TOM JONES, SEAL and many more), Stuart Gosling is a top leading filmmaker in the music video industry. For more information, go to
Swiss and Arab singers
(to be announced)
in coproduction with


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