9 teams - a director (or writer-director), a writer (or cowriter), a producer and a D.O.P. One to two Swiss teams can participate. The preselected candidates will be interviewed in January 2018 by Wojciech Marczewski, who will make the final selection.
Date and venue
1st session: Monday 5 to Thursday 8 March 2018
2nd session: Monday 16 to Tuesday 24 April 2018
3rd session: Monday 18 to Tuesday 26 June 2018

Follow-up session:
2 days in December 2018, in Warsaw, Poland
Registration/Application deadline
The selected teams will be granted scholarships, including accommodation.
Agnieszka Marczewska, Wajda Studio & School
Training programme based on shooting practice, focusing on creativity in the film pre-production process

EKRAN+ is a training programme based on shooting practice, focusing on creativity in the film pre-production process. Group and individual work is supervised by highly experienced filmmakers.

Session 1: is a visual warm-up and introduction to shooting practice. It begins with group analysis of the treatment and two scenes to be shot during the next two sessions and continues with the visual presentation of the participants' projects as an attempt to imagine the movies for ourselves and find a visual way of communicating them to others. At the end of the session participants meet the casting director and art director in order to prepare for shooting the scenes for the second session.

Session 2: the focus is on producing scenes from participants' projects with two to three actors (Polish actors speaking English) in the context of exploring creative tools for audiovisual film language. Participants will test the visual potential of framing and light in the exercise ‹Painting with Light›. After group analysis of the scene, participants discuss re-written scenes with their supervising shooting tutors. This is followed by analysis and discussion of the treatment/script development by two independent script doctors. The pre-production of the scenes includes directing strategies, choice of location, props and light. Each team is given time for rehearsal with actors, one day of shooting and one day of editing. The session ends with an evaluation, screening and discussion of the produced scenes, as well as meeting the casting director and art director to prepare for shooting the scenes for the third session.

Session 3: Each team has the opportunity to invite a director of photography and two actors from its native country to produce a scene from the script (in their native language). The focus is on imagination and searching for specific imaging tools to create the desired tone and atmosphere for the film. After group analysis of the scenes, participants discuss re-written scenes with their supervising shooting tutors. The treatments and scripts are further developed through individual analysis with two independent script doctors. The session ends with a summary of the project development as well as evaluation, screening and discussion of the produced scenes.

EKRAN+ Follow-up session (optional) : Participants return for the final treatment or script consultancy and to set up directions for the advanced draft development.


Wojciech Marczewski, Paweł Pawlikowski, Jerzy Zieliʼnski,
Krzysztof Zanussi
Ildiko Enyedi Hungary
Antoine Jaccoud Switzerland
Udayan Prasad, Marilyn Milgrom, Margaret Glover England
Denijal Hasanovic Bosnia
Volker Schloendorff Germany

Agnieszka Marczewska, Wajda Studio & School