Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

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Fourth Workshop Report — 16 – 18 September 2014 — Štiřín (Czech Republic)

Module 3 – Vod Platforms as Potential Friends of the EU Cinema


The first day of the third MEDICI Workshop was devoted to the impact of digital means on film business and production. Participants discussed the need to share knowledge with the industry about new distribution platforms, and the desire to see European films – mostly art-house films – attract more people and find an audience. With the arrival of VOD platforms, they expressed concern over whether people would watch art-house online.

Or, in other words;

1. Universcine, a VOD platform devoted to independent cinema

Jean-Luc Ormieres – co founder of UniversCine (

Jean-Luc Ormieres

See also:


UniversCine was founded in 2001 by production and distribution companies, as the first independent VOD platform in France. More than 3000 movie titles are available, representing over 40% of French annual productions, 20-25% of the total number of films released, and over 40% of European films. The platform covers art-house niche markets and also acts as a virtual distributor. Little by little, Universciné builds awareness of unknown directors from all over Europe, who already have track records on their domestic markets, but none in France.

What does UniversCine do?

VOD Platform


Adjusting to the new media:


The role of new media in different funding criteria

Cultural criteria:

Economic criteria:

Industrial criteria:

Collaboration between new media platforms and other partners

2. Challenges and opportunities that VOD platforms face



Promotion, Distribution and Success Evaluation

Illustrations by Mišo Duha

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