Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

Reports Previous Workshops

Second Workshop Report – 7 to 9 November, 2012 – Retz (Austria)

Module 1 – The Role of Public Film Funds

This issue was already raised and discussed during the First Workshop. Participants have asked that it be included again in the Second Workshop in order to delve more deeply into it with the following questions in mind:

Nota bene: this chapter can be read in parallel with and/or in addition to the equivalent chapter in the First Workshop Report at


1. The Mission of Film Funds

2. Challenges

How to improve communication with audiences, film professionals and politicians?

“The craft of seduction” in film financing. How to seduce/be seduced more easily as a public fund?

Risk-taking and new strategies




3. Shared conclusions

group photo

Illustrations by Rudi Klein, photos by Nora Friedel

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