Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

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Second Workshop Report – 7 to 9 November, 2012 – Retz (Austria)

Open Space Module

Public funds are financed by different sources. In some cases they rely exclusively on governmental money coming from ministries (finance, culture…). Other times, they depend on taxes collected from those who have direct access to the revenues - that is, exhibitors, distributors, broadcasters, cable and satellites operators. Today, however, the “market” has changed. On one hand, revenues coming from the usual media (theaters, DVD, or VOD) are decreasing, and on the other, revenues from the Internet are increasing, making their providers unavoidable players in the audiovisual field.

Various experiences by different European countries in this regard

It is suggested that an Internet provider or someone in that field be invited to the next MEDICI Workshop

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