Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

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Fifth Workshop – Tuesday 29 September to Thursday 1 October 2015 in Santpoort, Netherlands

Module 1 – Co-production: Landscape

(volume, co-production treaties, cinema vs television, financial, non-official)

In other words:


The Co-production Landscape

Karin Schockweiler, Deputy Director – Luxembourg Film Fund
Emmanuel Roland, Head of Production Department – Wallonia Brussels Federation

Please also see Karin Schockweiler and Emmanuel Roland’s presentation (PDF)

1. How to define “official co-productions”

A co-production treaty is an agreement between two or more governments.

There are 3 different types of treaties:

  1. Bilateral treaties – a typical example is the one between Germany and France, or France and Italy, etc.
  2. Multilateral treaties – involve more than 2 countries and, usually, smaller participation percentages than the bilateral ones.
The Multilaterl Treaty
  1. 3. European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production – covers most of the member countries the Council of Europe and allows multilateral co-productions or bilateral co-productions for the members that don’t have bilateral treaties.

However, there are also treaty-like agreements between film funds. Such agreements are not official inter-governmental co-production treaties, but internal agreements to co-fund specific projects.

2. The advantages and limits of co-production treaties



Bilateral Treaties

3. Different administrative cultures

The French Model

The British Model

English Co-Production

The Nordic Model


Outcome of group discussions

The experience of using co-production treaties in different countries

The Netherlands Film Fund

Croatian Audiovisual Center

Austrian Film Institute


Norwegian Film Institute

Swedish Film Institute

Ontario Media Development Corporation

Uruguayan Film Center

The impact of the public film funds on co-production policies

Austrian Film Institute

Ontario Media Development Corporation

Wallonia Brussels Federation


Irish Film Board

Croatian Audiovisual Center

Case Study – Film productions made in Luxembourg

Karin Schockweiler, Deputy Director – Luxembourg Film Fund

Please also see Karin Schockweiler’s presentation (PDF):
The Luxembourg Context / General Facts
Why Audiovisual production in Luxembourg / Historical Context
Film Fund Luxembourg / Presentation / Mission…

Financial Support Scheme

Since the end of 2014, there is only a selective, cultural scheme called AFS (Aide Financière Selective), which is based on discretionary, repayable loans. It now makes it easier for the producers, because with the previous tax-rebate system the funding would only come in at the end of production.

Facts & Figures

Note: In Luxembourg, there is no distribution, no TV channel that can invest into films, there is only the national fund.

Economic Effects

Social Effects

Training in Luxembourg

Co-development scheme strengthens country’s position in co-productions.

Considering the volume of both official co-productions and co-productions in general (see PDF presentation), minority co-productions absolutely dominate in Luxembourg. However, in the future, it does not want to be an exclusively minority co-production country. That is why they introduced the co-development support scheme with a lot of money invested in development, in order to make production companies stronger and turn them into majority co-producers or stronger minority co-producers. Under this scheme, Luxemburg’s producers can co-develop projects with any other country even if the director is not Luxemburgish.

Co-production Treaties in Luxembourg

Luxembourg signed co-production treaties with:

International Coproductions, Development, Gender and quotas

Illustrations by Gijs van der Lelij

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