Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

Reports Previous Workshops

Third Workshop Report — 17 to 19 September, 2013 — Château de Limelette (Belgium)

Module 4 – Conclusions


This module brings together the themes from the first three modules and discusses the environment that would need to be taken into account in the decision-making process. The emphasis will be on finding practical approaches to the big questions, including:

1. The art of the possible, and understanding the new realities

Challenges and barriers

2. Providing evidence on satisfying audience demand

Data & politics

Challenges and barriers

Why me?

3. New sustainable business models

Challenges and barriers

Outcome of the group for further discussion

Impact of Digital in Film Business and Production

Decision Making Processes

Illustrations by Jean-Philippe Legrand – called "Aster"

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