Methodology, Skills and Professional Benefits Participants Participants' Comments MEDICI Head of Training «The 12 Labours of Hercules» Report of the Reports – Workshops 1 to 4

Reports Previous Workshops

Third Workshop Report — 17 to 19 September, 2013 — Château de Limelette (Belgium)

Module 7 – Profiles of experts, consultants, selection committee members


Political supervision

Presentation of selected funds

1. Austrian Film Institute, presented by Roland Teichmann, CEO

Composition of the selection committee

Ideal profile of a selection committee member

Appointment of the committee members?

Decision-making process

The challenges

2. Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein GmbH: presented by Eva Hubert, CEO

General facts about the two selection committees

Committee for small-budget films

Higher-budget films committee

The challenges

3. Swedish Film Institute, presented by Anna Serner, CEO

The selection of commissioners

The challenges


4. Swiss Federal Office of Culture, presented by Susa Katz, Head of Production

How are the experts selected?

The challenges

5. Slovak Audiovisual Fund, presented by Anton Skreko, Slovak Ministry of Culture

The challenges

Outcome group discussions

Profiles of experts, consultants, selection committee members

Do funds publish written guidelines for committee members?

Impact of Digital in Film Business and Production

Decision Making Processes

Illustrations by Jean-Philippe Legrand – called "Aster"

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